Monday, March 20, 2006

F1Time - V2 Update by TaBu

A copy of the message from TaBu

+ runs a race,
+ updates office,
+ balances,
+ creates race report,
+ updates driver stats,
+ finds new sponsor proposal,
+ renegotiates if ordered,
+ shortens old ones,
+ shortens all staff contracts,
+ builds new parts,
+ improves design of parts,
+ clears practice, testing, warmup, qualification laps,
+ creates xml files to be used by live race.
+ inserts some stats into race history table
+ updated current streaks: wins, no wins, points, no points, podiums, no podiums, etc,

What is left before it goes live?
- update current position,
- update manager stats tables,
- add more events to race history (currently only reports pits)
- adding more stats into DB
o money awards for performance
o process driver firing, assign new temp one
o process c.director firing, assign new temp one
o process designer firing, assign new temp one
o process markets
! adjusted finances
! ... lots of tuning and polishing things up.

+ done
- not done, needed to run live test race
o not done, but not needed to run live test race
! not done, stuff between alpha and beta tests


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