Thursday, January 20, 2005

FUN Time not F1Time

The Poor turnout in the first testrace has prompted TaBu to do something different for the second one. So the second one is done at Lithuanian track where laptimes come down inside a minute and total number of lap exceeds a century. Also everyone's engine HP was cut down to 1HP (it was 0HP at first). As someone said, it would be a Snail's Parade rather than a race(j/k). But the interesting part is the economy and the designers. Everyone was provided with Level 100 Designers and 100M (believe it or not). Now the WVs and Yamahahas can have a go at the Aodis and the BMLs. Not to mention the ultra fast pitstops we are gonna see. If the reliability too was made 100%, it would have been real FUN.


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